Paul Robinson Issues Statement On Speaking Out Allegations
Robinson parted ways with PROGRESS Wrestling on February 25
Mar 1, 2021
Paul Robinson parted ways with PROGRESS Wrestling on February 25 after the promotion was placed under scrutiny for using the Proteus Champion at a recent set of tapings.
Allegations were previously levied against Robinson during the Speaking Out movement. The original post containing the allegations has been since deleted.
The allegations against Robinson are as follows: "On 6th December 2014, a group of us from IPWUK were flown over to Oberhausen, Germany, all paid for by Daniel Edler (or.... at least he paid for all of it for me). At this time I was 16. We spent the day being shown around the area by Jimmy Havoc. Whilst wandering the streets, Paul Robinson and myself started talking more and more and it was really fun, we felt comfortable around eachother. During the WXW show later that night (a show at which Daniel Edler purchased me lots of drinks, I think that should go without saying at this point.), we both went outside for a cigarette together, and one thing led to another and we ended up kissing. We were inseparable that whole weekend. In the following weeks, we would share phonecalls together just to chat and hear each other's voices. Somehow his children's mother ended up finding out we were talking and sent me nasty messages. I was 16 why would I want to be in a situation like that? We drifted apart and he eventually blocked me on social media, and that was that really."
Following his departure from PROGRESS Wrestling, Robinson issued a statement on the New PROGRESS Wrestling Fans Facebook group about the allegations against him.
Robinson wrote:
"To start with this is not being written as any form of attack however I do need to dismiss foul rumours and sheer lies that are being spouted about myself. Im not going to dispute what Jess has been through, Jess is a victim, has been through more than most could take in a life time, and im hoping you see I know this as much as most.
"This all starts with that Germany trip. A trip I did not even know of Jess’s existence before hand. I believe my first encounter with Jess would have been upon landing and being the only smokers we went for a cigarette upon arrival. Yes we spoke. After arriving at the venue we all as a group of about 8 employess went out to a sports bar and got drunk. Whilst there I did not purchase Jess a drink, I did not even pass Jess a drink. We were all out as a group drink, no foul play. Yes me n Jess were talking, out drinking as the only smokers we would inevitably find ourselfs talking alone in the smoking area and thats what happened. From here we wondered the nearby market and as a group and had a laugh. From here we went back to the venue where I proceeded to get ready for my match. At this point in the statement made against me Jess mentions Edlers getting her drunk. I had no knowledge of this, I was in the locker room attempting to put an Ospreay style match together whilst drunk. (This is the first and last time performing under the influence of alcohol.)
"After the match was finished I was extremely sick, had a couple of beers and fell asleep infront of all on the concrete floor in the middle of the locker room.
"The next day at IPW I continued to spend time with Jess, most of which in the smoking area. The above has already been covered, its what proceeded this day that has been left out. To briefly summarise the above yes me and Jess got close, yes we spent time together. At no point did I supply her with alcohol or get her drunk, i did not groom or take advantage and was definitely not a witness to her drinking during the show, I was in the changing area.
"So Germany was the Saturday then we were in Kent for ipw the next day. After spending time with Jess over the course of the weekend she has confided in me as to what had been happening with her life and what had been going on with the current IPW promoter. I did not see this as an opportunity to act as a preditor as is being insinuated. No, I informed Jess’s father as to what had ben going on. This is where I could have done better. Direct to his face in person I told him what was going on, I had converstaions with him and her mother on the phone, in person and on facebook. I said some horrible and nasty things to provoke a reaction from him. Hands up, ive said a lot worse than what he posted. In hindsight I should have gone straight to the police and not thought i could take on the world.
"I spent a lot of time screaming from the roof tops as to what was going on at ipw. In front of fans and wrestlers alike. This resulted in me parting ways with ipw for up to a year before new management took over (I believe).
"Not only did I not prey on jess, groom or take advantage but I was the only one willing to speak up at the time, inform her parents and challenge the current culture.
"I whole heartedly apologise to Jess, Joe and their family if the actions I took, things I said and done were done in a way to hurt them or cause distress this was not and never will be my intention."