
Tamina: Charlotte Flair Is The Roman Reigns Of The WWE Women's Division

"She's back and is coming back for something. She wants to prove who she is."

Tamina has said that Charlotte Flair is WWE's female equivalent to what Roman Reigns is to the men's division in the company. 

Reigns' most recent body of work as the Tribal Chief on Smackdown has taken his game to new heights. The Universal champion's work in the ring and on the mic has been widely praised by fans and fellow professionals alike, with the 'Head Of The Table' considered the standard-bearer within WWE now. 

When asked who the female version within the promotion is, outside of cultural aspects, Tamina believes it has to be the 13-time Women's Champion, Charlotte Flair.

Tamina told Vicente Beltrán: "If you want to go for the Polynesian side of it, I would have to say I am the Roman Reigns of [the female division], it's not Nia, that's for sure.

"Outside of our Polynesian culture...the Roman Reigns of the women's locker room for both Raw and SmackDown, I would say probably Charlotte. She's back and is coming back for something. She wants to prove who she is. She came out and put everybody on the spot and addressed all the locker room. I would have to say Charlotte."

H/T Fightful

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com