The Young Bucks Return With New Look On AEW Dynamite
AEW Dynamite saw The Young Bucks return… looking different
Jan 11, 2024
After an absence of several months, The Young Bucks, Matt and Nick Jackson, made their All Elite Wrestling return on the January 10 edition of Dynamite, with fetching new looks.
The former two-time AEW World Tag Team Champions have been off TV since losing to The Golden Jets at AEW Full Gear on November 18, and on Dynamite they appeared wearing peacoats, flat caps, and horrible little moustaches like Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.
The Bucks made their return whilst Tony Schiavone was interviewing Sting, Darby Allin, and Ric Flair, with Schiavone asking Sting just who will he face for his last ever match at the upcoming AEW Revolution pay-per-view on March 3. Before Sting could answer, The Bucks’ music blared through Daily’s Place, and it looks as though the Jacksons want a piece of the Stinger at Revolution.
Prior to their loss at Full Gear, The Bucks had started showing signs of a heel turn, throwing tantrums at ringside and acting cold towards their friends. This was coupled with the ‘ending’ of Being the Elite on YouTube, whilst reports suggested The Bucks could be forming a new stable with longtime associate Brandon Cutler and Colt Cabana.
Brandon Cutler has continued to act as The Young Bucks' spokesperson, tweeting: "Reports are coming in. Backstage morale has increased tremendously following the Young Bucks return. Sources close to the Young Bucks are saying hugs and high fives all around."