TNA Bound For Glory 2024 Results

Everything that happened at TNA Bound For Glory 2024

Jack Atkins side view with black and white filter

Oct 27, 2024

Nemeth vs. Hendry Bound For Glory 2024 poster.jpg

It’s that time once again, with TNA capping off a successful rebirth year with their show of shows; Bound For Glory.

In front of a rabid crown in Detroit, Michigan, every TNA championship was on the line… never mind the infamous Call Your Shot gauntlet. But what went down at Bound For Glory XX? Read on for all the results.

Ash & Heather by Elegance def. Xia Brookside & Brinley Reece - Pre-Show

Loud ‘NXT’ chants as this kicked off, with Brinley Reece tangling with Heather before bringing Xia Brookside into the bout. The faces dominated Heather, until she managed to bring a Devil suited Ash into the bout… who was put through the paces by a fired up Brinley Reece. Ash berated Heather on the outside before sending her new charge back into the bout, the heels getting a foothold with a tag team double stomp-apron DDT combo onto Reece onto the floor.

The crowd chanted for Xia as Reece attempted to shake the heels, with Brookside exchanging forearm shots with Ash when she finally got the hot tag. Brookside hit repeated Broken Wings double knees on Ash in the corner but could only get a two count, with Reece getting the same result after a Codebreaker on Ace. Reece showed her power by rolling through a Heather crossbody to hoist Elegance into a TKO, only fo The Concierge to put Heather’s foot on the rope. Xia snapped and choked Concierge out with his own jacket, but this allowed Heather to hit a springboard Spanish Fly onto Reece before Ash hit the Rarified Air Senton for the 1-2-3.


Hall of Fame time, as TNA paid tribute to the late great Bob Ryder, with starts of TNA past such as AJ Styles, Jeff Jarrett, and Abyss amongst others paying tribute to one of the unsung heroes of TNA. Eric Young was on hand to formally induct Ryder into the HOF, saying a beautiful heartfelt eulogy to his friend, Bob Ryder.

The other induction was that of former TNA NWA World Champion Rhino, with the ‘War Machine’ inducted by fellow former ECW alumnus Tommy Dreamer. Dreamer mentioned how when he inducted Team 3D and Raven into the TNA Hall of Fame in the past he ate a 3-D and an Even Flow DDT before starting his speech with some trepidation. Dreamer paid tribute to Rhino’s gold laden runs across ECW, WWE, and TNA, before the ‘Man Beast’ himself came to the stage to loud ‘you deserve it’ chants from his hometown fans. Rhino joked about his and Dreamer’s suit jackets before thanking his girlfriend, and daughter, as well as industry names such as Jim Cornette, Paul Heyman, Edge, Christian, Joe E. Legend, Johnny Swinger, Scott D’Amore, and last but not least Heath Slater, with Rhino revealing how Heath was a good friend to him and his brother as his brother battled cancer. No Gore for Dreamer though, thankfully.


Steve Maclin caught up with Eric Young backstage, with Eric telling Maclin he has his back in case things go south in his match against Josh Alexander.

Frankie Kazarian won the Call Your Shot Gauntlet - Pre-Show

Frankie Kazarian was out first, with Zachary Wentz coming in second. Wentz started hot but the ‘King of TNA’ had the veteran’s edge and took the lead. Jake Something was out at three and steamrolled Wentz as Kaz let him do his thing, with Trey Miguel in at four to save his Rascalz partner, with Miguel and Wentz double teaming Something before putting the boots into both men. Hammerstone at five threw the Rascalz about as if they weighed nothing, before uniting with tag partner Something to flatten Kazarian.

Rohit Raju returned to TNA for the first time in a year year in the number six spot, with Laredo Kid coming in at seven but Kid was quickly eliminated by Hammerstone. Hammerstone then gorilla pressed Trey Miguel onto Laredo Kid from the apron for his second elimination before being dumped out the match himself. Entrant number eight was former TNA World Champion Sami Callihan, with Good Hand John Skyler in at nine. Bhupinder Gujjar in at ten with Trent Seven soon entering the field at number 11 - his first TNA appearance in three months. First Class KC Navarro in at 12 quickly got on the wrong side of Sami Callihan and ate a huge powerbomb for his troubles. New TNA Hall of Famer Rhino was in at 13 to a huge pop instantly getting rid of Gujjar, Rohit, Skylar, and Sami Callihan in a ferocious thirty second spell.

The first Knockout to join the fray was Tasha Steelz at 14 who tried charming her way out of a Rhino attack, but soon ended up tangling with entrant 15 - Lei Ying Lee. Lee quickly eliminated Steelz as entrant 16 Good Hand Jason Hotch made his way into the bout. KC Navarro was eliminated by a Zachary Wentz dropkick before Leon Slater joined the bout at the 17 spot. Slater wanted the Swanton 450 but was crotched by Kazarian who then got mega heat for clotheslining and eliminating Lei Ying Lee. Jonathan Gresham in at 18, with The System’s JDC in at 19, with JDC picking his moment carefully - entering and eliminating Leon Slater after Slater hit the 450 Swanton. The final entrant was AJ Francis who made a point of hitting anyone who moved/ Gresham avoided a Down Payment from Francis but was big booted out of the match by AJ.

Trent Seven teed off on Francis but was chokeslammed out of the ring by Francis, Trent landing back first on the apron on his way out. Something dumped Hotch out before finding himself in a slugfest with Wentz on the apron, with Wentz hitting an FU on the apron to eliminate Something. Wentz went to headscissor Francis out, but was instead pulled out by an irate Something. Final four, with Rhino Goring Kazarian before double clotheslining Francis and JDC. Rhino launched JDC to the the floor but ate a Gore from Francis, with ‘War Machine’ regrouping to clothesline Francis out of the match.

Final two as TNA veterans Rhino and Kazarian squared off - first one to get a pinfall or submission wins. Rhino tossed Kaz around the ring, but Kaz took matters into his own hands with a big kick to the crotch to take Rhino out for the 1-2-3. With Kazarian serving as the special guest referee in tonight’s main event this win adds extra stakes to Hendry vs. Nemeth.

Mike Bailey (c) def. El Hijo del Vikingo - TNA X Division Championship

Bound for Glory XX officially kicked off with X Division action, as is tradition, with El Hijo del Vikingo returning to TNA for the first time since January to take on X Division Champion ‘Speedball’ Mike Bailey.

Both competitors shook hands and adopted Mortal Kombat style fight poses, Bailey getting first blood with a roll-up attempt, with Vikingo following suit with one of his own. Both competitors wrestled at a very fast pace - no surprises there - Vikingo hitting a corkscrew headscissors before nailing a tope suicida into Bailey’s ribs on the floor. Bailey avoided a Lo-Down as Vikingo sold his repaired knee, Bailey smelling blood and following up with a dragon screw into a leglock. Speedball remained in control with diving knees and some precision martial arts kicks, only to eat a thrust kick from Vikingo. Vikingo ran the ring like no-one else can before the fight went to the floor, Vikingo hitting a barricade 180 hurricanrana, only for Bailey to respond with a springboard corkscrew moonsault.

Bailey missed a Shooting Star Press but hit the Green Tea Plunge for two. Vikingo quickly fought back into the bout, hitting a variation of a triangle, but Bailey recovered to hit a fisherman’s falcon arrow before nailing a pitch perfect shooting star press for two. Vikingo rocked Bailey with a whirlwind kick, then when both competitors made it back to their feet they exchanged slugging chops, Bailey eventually suckering Vikingo and hitting some rapid kicks and a big Karate Kid crane kick. Moonsault double knees by ‘Speedball’ then the corner tornado kick and Ultimate Weapon… Vikingo kicking out at 2.99 to a big reaction. Bailey went for the Flamingo Driver but took too long, Vikingo countering with a destroyer, then launching to the floor with a huge springboard corkscrew. Bailey managed to scout Vikingo on the top and kicked him to the apron, but missed a backflip double knee on the hardest part of the ring as Vikingo leapt from the top of the ring post with a frankly ridiculous Canadian Destroyer on the apron to deserved ‘holy s***’ chants. Vikingo wanted the 630 Senton but Bailey stirred, Vikingo bringing him to the top rope before ultimately eating a massive Fisherman Spanish Fly as Bailey got the pinfall win.

Spitfire def. Rosemary & Wendy Choo - TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championships

Spitfire started off with control, utilising tandem offence and quick tags to keep Wendy Choo on the back foot. Choo and Rosemary soon found a foothold though, levelling Dani Luna with a double suplex, with Rosemary absorbing everything Luna threw at them. Spitfire remained on top, Jody Threat even hitting Wendy Choo’s pillow with a German Suplex because, well, you would wouldn’t you. Choo followed up with a Muta style handspring to Threat before Rosemary hit an upside down leg choke with the ref distracted.

The heels were firmly in control but Threat would not say die, levelling Choo with a last gasp clothesline before getting the tag to Luna who ran wild on Rosemary. Big slugging powerbomb by Luna got a two, with a follow-up tope levelling Rosemary as Choo pulled Threat to the floor. Choo and Rosemary planted Luna with a double DDT on the floor, only for Threat to crush the challengers with a big cannonball from the top. Threat wanted the tag but Wendy Choo pulled her to the floor then reclaimed her pillow to a pop. In ring Rosemary hit a big spear but pulled Luna up at two before Rosemary and Choo took Luna up top for a double superplex, only for Luna to slip out and hit a double powerbomb on the heels.

Jody Threat came in to chop Rosemary and Wendy, but Choo levelled the ‘Wild Child’ with a Codebreaker before eating an inadvertent strike from Rosemary as Threat hit double knees to both, then a double German suplex as Threat fired up. Luna tagged in and the champs hit Pressure Drop on Choo for the win and the successful title defence.

Post-match an irate Rosemary speared Wendy Choo then kissed her goodnight.

Josh Alexander def. Steve Maclin

Alexander barely made it through the entrance when Maclin rushed him, the two rivals engaging in a heated fight around the ringside area before the bell rung. Maclin hit a diving knee and a tope suicida to send Alexander reeling. Alexander soon recovered, channelling Bret Hart to lock in the figure four leglock around the ringpost before the match finally got underway.

Alexander rushed Maclin in the corner, but Maclin shook it off to take the former TNA World Champion down, focusing his attacks on Alexander’s lower back. Alexander was quick to avoid a Maclin swandive headbutt to hit a powerbomb backbreaker to the knee for two. Alexander firmly took control of the bout, measuring Maclin with strikes before hitting five German suplexes in a row, only for Maclin to shake them off and hit ten of his own to a standing ovation.

The two made it to their feet for a slugfest, Maclin sending Alexander reeling with a back elbow before putting him in the tree of woe. Alexander scouted Maclin’s attack to crush Maclin with a dropping bodyslam onto the apron. Alexander wanted the C4 Spike but Maclin fought out and hit an Olympic Slam, then a superplex transitioned into a Spicolli Driver… but could only get a two count. The ref went down after Alexander swung Maclin into him, so ‘Walking Weapon’ took advantage and booted Maclin straight in the plums. Alexander ziptied Maclin’s hands behind his back and battered him until the ref came to and chastised Alexander. Maclin - still tied up - headbutted Alexander from the top and hit a diving headbutt in the corner then a frankly insane scud tope suicida. Busaiku knee by Maclin and a second knee for two, as the ref asked to set Maclin free, only for a fired-up Maclin to refuse. Maclin soon rues this decision after eating a Tombstone, but he avoided a C4 Spike and rolled through a German Suplex, but Alexander was quick and rolled into an ankle lock but Maclin could not tap due to still being trapped in the zipties. With no-way to go but out, Maclin passed out as the ref called this one for Josh Alexander.

PCO def. Matt Cardona - TNA Digital Media Championship & International Heavyweight Wrestling Championship Monster’s Ball Match

Hallowe’en came early, with Cardona dressed as a Ghostbuster to take on the ‘French Canadian Frankenstein’. Cardona had the first laugh after avoiding a speeding PCO to send him through the ropes as PCO cannonballed to the floor. Cardona whalloped PCO with the ringsteps but soon ate a trashcan for his troubles. PCO was launched backfirst into the edge of the ring steps as Cardona avoided a powerbomb attempt before Cardona unveiled a door to gore style ‘DOOR’ chants. Cardona was instantly backdropped through the wood in the corner of the ring before being tossed to the floor, but managed to avoid further punishment by crushing PCO with a trashcan as PCO went for a tope suicida.

Cardona grabbed a second door and a whole host of chairs from beneath the ring, making an impromptu table out of two chairs and the door in the corner of the ring, and putting to chairs side up under the wood to ‘you sick f***’ chants. PCO went for corner punches but was powerbombed through the door and chairs by Cardona… but only managed a two-count. Cardona filled PCO’s mouth with thumbtacks then hit the Reboot in the corner before putting PCO headfirst into the tacks, then slapping the ‘Perfect Creation’ with handfuls of tacks. This only fired PCO up, the champ kicking out of Radio Silence with a head full of tacks, as Cardona grabbed a third door only for PCO to shoulder barge it into the challenger for two.

PCO grabbed a black bag from beneath the ring, dumping yet more thumbtacks into the ring before eating a punch to the ‘perfect creations’. Cardona channelled Cactus Jack by unveiling a SLimer green barbed wire baseball bat, slugging PCO with the weapon before eating chokeslam into the tacks then a PCO-sault as the champ retained the titles.

Mike Santana def. Moose

Moose tried to bail to the floor to start the mind games early but Santana was quick and met the former TNA World Champion on the floor, launching the ‘Wrestling God’ into the guardrail. JDC took one for the team from Santana which allowed Moose into the bout with a powerbomb into the apron. Santana attempted to regain momentum but ate a huge powerbomb, Moose tossing the former TNA Tag Team Champion with scary ease. Big uranage by Moose but Santana would not quit, defiantly spitting in Moose’s face before unloading with a series of strikes before avoiding a triple jump crossbody by Moose and hitting a rebound cutter for two.

Moose returned to the floor as Santana readied on the top rope, Santana changing direction to hit a beautiful RVD-esque crossbody to Moose and JDC. Moose caught a a running Santana in a powerbomb but Santana reversed it into a Frankensteiner before hitting a springboard moonsault. Big ‘TNA’ chants as Santana hit Outlined in Chalk and a running kick to the head for two, before a nasty Spicolli Driver into the turnbuckles. With Moose down Santana went up top and hit a peach of a 450 splash for two. JDC distracted Santana as he again went up top, Moose cutting him off to hit an awkward Sky High from the top for two.

The fight spilled to the apron where a fired up Santana hit a big kick to the jaw, but Moose soaked it up and hit a powerbomb onto the apron as Santana took the brunt of the move on his shoulder. Santana narrowly avoided the ten-count as JDC readied with a chain wrapped fist. Santana avoided JDC who stopped himself from hitting Moose, Santana hitting Spin the Block on JDC before eating a big Moose spear for 2.99. A dazed Santana played possum to get a roll-up for two then Spin the Block for the win.

Masha Slamovich def. Jordynne Grace - TNA Knockouts World Championship

Code of honor as the bell rang, Masha and Grace engaging in technical hold-counter-hold grappling as both competitors looked for an opening. Duelling chants as Grace used her power advantage to get a foothold, but Masha fired back with a head kick, clothesline, and thrust kick in quick succession to send the champ to the floor. Tope cannonball by Masha found its target, but Grace saw red when Masha grabbed her hair, Grace nailing her best friend with a series of kicks and a big stomp before swinging Masha knees first into the ringpost from the floor and hitting a rolling Spicolli Driver.

In ring Grace continued to focus on Masha’s knee, but the challenger had the wherewithal to counter a powerbomb attempt with a Frankensteiner for two. Masha then toppled Grace with a series of kicks for two, then avoided a spinning backfist to hit a DDT into a guillotine choke. Grace powered out to hit a deadlift Juggernaut Jackhammer for two, then followed-up with a Worlds Strongest Slam but missed a Vader Bomb. Masha hit a Frankensteiner from the top and a snap Snowplow… but only got a two.

The two exchanged kicks and strikes, Masha firing up after hitting an Asai crossbody for two to hit two corner knees and a wheelbarrow kick for two, but did it do further damage to her bad knee? Masha again went fort a Snowplow but Grace powered out into a wheelbarrow suplex from a Tombstone position then a Kryptonite Krunch for two, but Masha would still not stay down, whiplashing Grace off the middle rope but damaging her own knee further in the process. Masha fought out of a Muscle Buster attempt to hit a BURNING HAMMER but somehow the champ kicked out at two. Grace hit a big fisherman’s suplex and a Juggernaut Driver, but Masha kicked out. Grace wasted no time locking in a grapevined ankle lock before transitioning into a Stretch Muffler, but Slamovich made the ropes to a rapturous response.

The action went to the top rope as Grace went to hit the Grace Driver from the top - just like she did at BFG 2022 - but Masha fought out to hit an avalanche Snowplow then a piledriver for the win. Masha finally beats Jordynne, and wins the Knockouts World Championship for the first time.

Nic Nemeth (c) def. Joe Hendry- TNA World Championship

Big boos for referee Frankie Kazarian, before we see Joe Hendry backstage given a pep talk by Ace Steel before he made his entrance dressed like Eminem in dungarees and a hockey mask, complete with chainsaw. Big match in-ring introductions, the Detroit crowd firmly behind Hendry for this one, with the two exchanging words before locking up. Hendry enjoyed the best of the opening exchanges with some neat technical wrestling as the crowd chanted for the ‘Local Hero’. Nemeth fired back with some pin attempts and a big dropkick before Kazarian chose to show his authority by getting in both competitors’ faces.

Stalling walking suplex by Hendry was very impressive but Nemeth fired back with a neckbreaker and ten heart attack elbows, but Hendry caught Nemeth as he attempted a leaping DDT, transitioning into another deadlift suplex. Fallaway slam and a kip up by Hendry, but Nemeth scouted a Standing Ovation and locked in a sleeper hold. Hendry fired back with a powerbomb for two and locked in an ankle lock, Nemeth breaking the hold by reaching the rope.

The action spilled to the top where both men jockeyed for position, Hendry getting the upper hand with a high risk fallaway slam. Kazarian went to call his shot but was stopped and lambasted by Hendry, but this allowed Nemeth to regroup and hit a Fameasser, Kazarian fast counting in revenge but Hendry kicked out at two. Hendry powerbomb attempt was countered into a DDT for two by Nemeth, with a follow-up diving crossbody by ‘The Wanted Man’ rolled through into an Attitude Adjustment by Hendry for two. Pump kick by Hendry sent Nemeth reeling, but the champ responded with a superkick on the apron only to eat a desperation cutter from the challenger.

Kaz again went to call his shot, but John Layfield made his way into the ring to absolutely crush Kazarian with the Clothesline from Hell. Layfield then crushed Hendry with a clothesline on the floor for good measure, then clocked Ryan Nemeth with a big punch. Nemeth capitalised with a Danger Zone as a replacement ref ran down, but Hendry kicked out at two to a huge pop. Nemeth avoided a Standing Ovation to hit a superkick and a Danger Zone to get the win and continue his title run. The crowd were not pleased, chanting ‘bulls***’ at the decision. Nemeth and Kazarian argued before the champ checked on his brother at ringside.


Santino Marella was backstage, congratulating Rhino and Bob Ryder on their Hall of Fame inductions before a video package revealed that TNA Genesis will return, with the show set for Dallas, Texas, on January 19 2025.

The Hardys def. The System (c) & ABC - TNA World Tag Team Championship Full Metal Mayhem Match

Main event time, with the TNA World Tag team Championships main eventing Bound For Glory for the first time ever. The ladders and ring mat are adorned in Jeff Hardy’s artwork, and this feels like it could be a big goodbye for the legendary team unless they emerge victorious tonight.

Both sets of challengers teamed up to beat down The System fro the off, with a series of Poetry of Motion on Myers and Edwards before Chris Bey hit a big tope con hilo. The champs attempted to retreat through the crowd but were chased by ABC and The Hardys with chairs in hand. Ace Austin hit a frog splash off the bleachers through Myers on a table, with The Hardys and Edwards fighting their way back to the ring. Matt Hardy turned the clock back with a diving leg drop from a ladder through Edwards through a table at ringside as Jeff attempted to climb for the belts but was cut off by Bey. Hardys hit the Plot Twist on Bey to a big pop but were prevented from climbing the ladders by Ace Austin. ABC ran wild on The Hardys with plenty of tandem offence, Bey hitting a double stomp on Matt whilst laid out on a ladder in the corner.

Jeff brought an extendable metal ladder into the equation but ended up taking an ABC double suplex into the rungs for his trouble. Bey held the ladder up as Austin climbed, but it all came tumbling down soon after. The Hardys placed this long ladder across the entirety of the ring through the sides of a traditional ladder in the middle of the ring, before Bey and Matt hardy made an attempt for the belts. Jeff and Ace were either side of the long horizontal ladder with chairs, smacking Bey and Matt off respectively, before themselves fighting it out for the belts with a pair of well times headbutts sending both men flying into the construction ladder.

The System finally recovered and re-entered the bout with chairs in hand, Myers and Edwards swinging the metal whilst getting rid of the weird long ladder contraption. The System then took control with a pair of Side Effects from the apron through a pair of tables on The Hardys. Bey levelled the champs with a chair before ABC hit the 1-2-Sweet onto Myers, Austin hitting The Fold onto a chair for extra impact. Austin and Eddie Edwards fought atop the ladder in the ring, Bey hitting a huge springboard Finesse cutter onto Edwards from the top. Austin then pigeon walked the ladder towards the titles from the edge of the ring, but was unsuccessful in his attempt on the belts. Bey looked to have it won but was left dangling from the belt hook as Myers channelled Edge with a big spear from a ladder in the corner

Eddie Edwards was alone in the ring and was inches from victory when Matt Hardy returned with a chair to stop his progress, V1 hitting a chair assisted Twist of Fate on Edwards before Jeff hit a set of twists onto Myers. On the floor, Jeff unveiled a 20-foot ladder and slugged Myers with chairs, placing ‘The Most Professional Wrestler’ across two tables before hitting a big Swanton Bomb from the top of the ladder through Myers and the wood below. In-ring Ace Austin was alone and making his way to the belts when Alysha Edwards arrived to dump him off the ladder onto the ropes, only to eat a Twist of Fate from Matt Hardy to a big pop. Eddie Edwards was not pleased, wailing on Matt with Kenny the kendo stick. The Hardys regrouped to grab Edwards and deliver a big powerbomb from the ring over the rope through two tables before climbing the ladder together to retrieve the TNA World Tag Team Championship belts.

The Hardys went into the crowd to celebrate with the fans to close out Bound For Glory 20.

Full results - TNA Bound For Glory, October 26 2024:

  • The Hardys def. The System (c) & ABC - TNA World Tag Team Championship Full Metal Mayhem Match
  • Nic Nemeth (c) def. Joe Hendry - TNA World Championship
  • Masha Slamovich def. Jordynne Grace - TNA Knockouts World Championship
  • Mike Santana def. Moose
  • PCO def. Matt Cardona - TNA Digital Media Championship & International Heavyweight Wrestling Championship Monster’s Ball Match
  • Josh Alexander def. Steve Maclin
  • Spitfire def. Rosemary & Wendy Choo - TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championships
  • Mike Bailey (c) def. El Hijo del Vikingo - TNA X Division Championship
  • Frankie Kazarian won the Call Your Shot Gauntlet - Pre-Show
  • Ash & Heather by Elegance def. Xia Brookside & Brinley Reece - Pre-Show


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