WWE 2K22 News


New Wrestlers Added To WWE 2K22

T-Bar's wish has been granted. The former RETRIBUTION member previously petitioned for his past persona of Dominik Dijakovic and other characters present in WWE 2K22's MyRise mode, including Alexa...


Strong UK Launch Sales For WWE 2K22

After waiting over two years, fans finally got their hands on a mainline WWE video game on March 11 as WWE 2K22 was released on PC, as well as current and past generation consoles. Along with...


WWE 2K22 Review Roundup

After a two-year break following the backlash to WWE 2K20, WWE 2K22 was released today on current and past generation consoles, as well as PC.  Along with the return of GM Mode, now named MyGM,...


WWE 2K22 DLC Wrestlers Revealed

Ahead of WWE 2K22's full release on Friday, March 11, 2K have revealed the roadmap for post-launch content updates.  Five post-launch content packs are planned with 28 new playable characters,...