The Undertaker

The Undertaker Reveals He Is A Big Fan Of Omos
The Undertaker Has Revealed Himself To Be A Fan Of Omos Ahead Of His WrestleMania Match With Brock Lesnar

The Undertaker Wanted A Much Longer WWE WrestleMania Match With John Cena, Trained To Go 45 Minutes
The Undertaker was ready for a much longer bout with John Cena at WWE WrestleMania 34

The Undertaker Explains Why He's Glad He Retired In Front Of No Fans
The Undertaker reflects on his retirement

The Undertaker Reveals Why He Considered Leaving WWE For WCW
The Undertaker considered leaving WWE for WCW

Kurt Angle Calls Two WWE Hall Of Famers 'Most Intimidating Guys' He's Ever Met
Kurt Angle reveals the two WWE Hall of Famers who intimidated him

The Undertaker Still Getting Used To Being Retired From WWE
The Undertaker has been approached about becoming a coach for WWE

The Undertaker Doesn't Think Today's Wrestlers Know How To Create & Protect A Character
The Undertaker shares his opinion on the lost art of protecting a character in wrestling.

Vince McMahon Once Wanted Vladimir Kozlov To End The Undertaker's Streak
Vladimir Kozlov could have ended The Streak in an alternate timeline

The Undertaker Reveals Original Plans For Bray Wyatt Segment At WWE Raw XXX
The Undertaker isn't bringing back his traditional character

The Undertaker Finds A WWE Without Vince McMahon Difficult To Imagine
The Undertaker on Vince McMahon's WWE return

The Undertaker Reveals How Rey Mysterio's Bum Gave Him A Concussion
'It's hard being injured by an anus'

The Undertaker Reveals What He Told Bray Wyatt At WWE Raw Is XXX
The Undertaker gave Bray Wyatt some advice at WWE Raw is XXX

WWE Creative Team Member Told To Never Mention American Badass Undertaker In Front Of Vince McMahon
Vince was supposedly not a fan of The American Badass

The Undertaker & Bray Wyatt Comment On 'Special' Moment At WWE Raw Is XXX
Was the torch passed on Raw is XXX?

Austin Theory Wants The Undertaker To Return At WWE Royal Rumble
The US Champ would like to see The Undertaker as a surprise entrant this Saturday