10 Best TNA PPV Main Events Ever

10 best PPV main events in TNA history

9. Bobby Roode vs. Austin Aries - Destination X 2012

Austin aries tna world title win destination x 2012

Before one of them was glorious and the other was blacklisted by basically every major promotion on the planet, Bobby Roode and Austin Aries were two flag-bearers for TNA. 

Aries had previously been the company’s X-Division Champion, but had used the dreaded Option C to bin that belt off and challenge for the world title instead.

His opponent was Bobby Roode, the longest-reigning TNA World Champion ever at the time. Aries had been built up very effectively as an underdog babyface challenger, so now all that was needed was a killer match. Luckily, that’s precisely what happened.

With a rabid crowd behind the challenger, the participants slowly built and built to a mighty crescendo, which featured all sorts of bells and whistles including a low blow and a ref bump spot. 

Even these unwanted distractions couldn’t hurt what was a brilliantly worked match with a gripping story. 

Furthermore, the fans got to go home happy after Aries hit the brainbuster on Roode to pin the champ and consign his record-setting reign to the history books.

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Written by Cultaholic