10 Best TNA PPV Main Events Ever

10 best PPV main events in TNA history

8. Lucha Brothers Vs. LAX - Rebellion 2019

Lax lucha brothers rebellion 2019

Our most recent match on this list was between two of the top tag teams in the world at the time.

Under the guidance of Konnan, the new version of the Latin American Exchange - that’s Santana and Ortiz - were involved in a bitter rivalry with Rey Fenix and Pentagon Jr, aka The Lucha Brothers, in 2019.

After months of animosity, the two teams squared off in the main event of the Rebellion 2019 show a Full Metal Mayhem Match.

These two monumentally talented pairs were easily capable of putting on a great match, but it was the feud leading up to this point, plus the introduction of weapons, that really put this encounter on a different level. 

After 20 minutes of utter carnage, Penta got powerbombed through a table covered in thumbtacks to allow LAX to pick up the win. 

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Written by Cultaholic