
10 Best WWE Raw Title Changes

Best title changes in WWE Raw history

6. Lita wins the WWE Women's Championship - December 6, 2004

Lita moonsault december 2004

For some reason, WWE insists on telling fans that the first all-female main event of Monday Night Raw was Trish Stratus vs. Lita on December 6, 2004. This is a complete lie - Lita won the Women’s Championship from Stephanie McMahon in the main event of the August 21, 2000 show, over four years before she battled Trish! 

Though it may not have been as historic as the company would like it to be, Lita versus Trish from that ‘04 Raw was still a bloody good match. It was the first proper all-female main event of the show, where the two women could actually work.

They put on a great match and demonstrated how unappreciated women’s wrestling was at the time. They were only given seven minutes, but they crammed a lot of action into that time, capped off with a moonsault from Lita.

Lita had won her second Women’s Title and Raw finally had a women’s main event it could be proud of. 

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Written by Cultaholic