
10 Biggest WCW Signings

WCW had some huge signings during their history

4. Bret Hart

Bret hart 1998

The best there is, best there was and best there ever will be figured he’d be a WWE lifer and didn’t see himself working for anyone besides Vince McMahon until it became apparent that WCW’s financial offer was too good to turn down and Vince McMahon couldn’t honour the 20-year deal they agreed to. 

Right as the Monday Night Wars were in full flow, the signing of Bret Hart was seen as a major coup for WCW, the loss of a former WWE Champion a potential hammer blow to their rivals. The Hitman was coming in with unrivalled momentum too after being the victim of the Montreal Screwjob at the 1997 Survivor Series. 

The anticipation for Bret’s arrival was through the roof and then, when he did arrive, that enthusiasm quickly crashed through the floor. 

Bungled from the beginning, Hart’s WCW tenure was a textbook case of a failure to capitalise on momentum and a major mishandling of one of the very best workers in the business. 

There were odd flashes of greatness here and there and Bret had some decent matches and scored some gold, but it really is a wonder how Bischoff and co. managed to mismanage such a major signing on so many levels. 

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Written by Cultaholic