
10 Cancelled WWE WrestleMania Matches

These are 10 cancelled WWE WrestleMania matches

4. Earthquake vs. Ludvig Borga - WrestleMania 10

Earthquake ludvig borga

Ludvig Borga was scheduled to wrestle Tatanka at the 1994 Royal Rumble, as the Native American sought to redress the end of his undefeated streak. 

Days before the pay-per-view, however, the Hellraiser from Helsinki knackered his ankle while wrestling at a Madison Square Garden house show. He was taken off the Rumble, but WWE officials expected him back in time for the Showcase of the Immortals. 

WrestleMania couldn’t possibly pass without Ludvig Borga it seems as WWE booked him in a match with Earthquake at ‘Mania 10. 

It’s an interesting matchup for a number of reasons, most of which revolved around the politics of who would go over on the night, since WWE clearly had plans for Borga and ‘Quake had not long since returned to the company and was being built for a colossal tussle with Yokozuna. 

WWE had the problem taken out of their hands, though, when Ludvig not only didn’t return in time for the match, but didn’t return to the company at all. Adam Bomb replaced him and was beaten in 32 seconds by Earthquake. 

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Written by Cultaholic