
10 Most Emotional Shows In Wrestling History

Triumph, tragedy and everything in between, the business sure does run the gamut...

1. Raw Is Owen

Owen hart 1998

Whether WWE did the 'right thing' in continuing the show after Owen Hart's tragic accident at Over the Edge is, at the very least, highly debatable. 

The next night on Raw, however, WWE did everything they could to honour Owen with an emotional tribute show.

Stories and rivalries were put aside for the evening and every performer was given the option of whether or not they wanted to wrestle. 

It began with a ten-bell salute, with the roster gathered on the ramp, followed by a tribute video, narrated by Vince McMahon. Throughout the show, wrestlers spoke about Owen and what they meant to him. Particularly difficult viewing was Owen's tag partner, Jeff Jarrett, who was quite clearly devastate just 24 hours removed from seeing his best friend pass away. 

What shone through while watching everyone say their bit was just what a good person Owen Hart was, and how he cared about his family, particularly his wife and children, above everything else. 

The show closed with Steve Austin, a man who had previously had issues with Owen after their SummerSlam 1997 match gone wrong, toasting The Rocket as the show went off the air with an 'In Memory Of' graphic. 

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.