
10 Most Emotional Shows In Wrestling History

Triumph, tragedy and everything in between, the business sure does run the gamut...

2. Roman's Revelation

The shield 2018

Roman Reigns may have had his detractors, those who didn't like his style or character or booking or whatnot, but nobody wish the Big Dog anything other than the absolute best when he made an unexpected announcement on the October 22, 2018 episode of Raw.

Opening the show, Roman revealed that leukemia, which he had initially been diagnosed with in 2008, had returned. 

Relinquishing the Universal Title, Reigns dropped character and addressed the audience as 'Joe', explaining his history with the disease he thanked the fans for their support, letting them know that he was going home to focus on his health and family and that he would be back soon. 

He was then met with Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins of The Shield, the three men emotionally hugging at the top of the ramp. 

Roman's speech was optimistic in nature and helped turn what could have been an incredibly sad moment into something of a triumphant one, but it was still tough to listen to knowing how serious the situation was. 

At the end of the show, things become emotional in a different storyline way, when the Lunatic Fringe turned on the Architect, just moments after the pair won the Tag Team Titles. 

In an era where it had become hard to surprise a somewhat jaded audience, the moment he hit Dirty Deeds took all the air out of the arena as there were notable gasps at the sight of the unexpected attack.

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.