
10 Most Emotional Shows In Wrestling History

Triumph, tragedy and everything in between, the business sure does run the gamut...

3. The Eddie Guerrero Tribute Shows

Batista eddie guerrero tribute

Many active wrestlers had passed away before, but not many of them had died while still in their prime as one of the top stars in the world's biggest wrestling company. 

Eddie Guerrero's tragic passing at the age of 38 was something that nobody saw coming, especially since he had worked so hard to turn his life around and beat the demons that threatened to take it from him years earlier. 

Latino Heat was due to work later that night at a combined Raw/SmackDown television taping, meaning the entire roster was there when the news broke. 

Faced once again with a big decision, Vince McMahon decided to press on with two tribute shows after speaking with Eddie's nephew Chavo, who assured the boss that this is what his uncle would have wanted. 

The pain and sadness was evident on everyone's face during the opening ten bell salute, with many of Eddie's nearest and dearest openly weeping, most notably his best friend Chris Benoit, who was shaking uncontrollably.

During the course of the Raw and SmackDown episodes many people gave emotional testimonials and shared their fond memories of Guerrero, while some of the matches presented had special meaning to them. 

Chavo went over Eddie's old nemesis JBL with the Frog Splash, while Benoit pinned Triple H before being joined in the ring by 'third amigo' Dean Malenko at the close of the show.

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.