
10 Most Emotional Shows In Wrestling History

Triumph, tragedy and everything in between, the business sure does run the gamut...

4. The Post-9/11 SmackDown

Smackdown september 13 2001

Sticking to the old maxim 'the show must go on', WWE taped SmackDown on September 13, 2001, just two days after the horror of 9/11. 

The first mass gathering of any kind in the United States since the attack on the World Trade Center, WWE abandoned storylines for the evening and put on a show in Houston, Texas in a bid to take the nation's mind off the tragedy. 

It began with Vince McMahon addressing the audience before he joined every member of the WWE roster, as well as referees, crew and office personnel, on the stage as Lillian Garcia delivered a stirring rendition of the Star Spangled Banner, setting the tone for what was to come. 

Throughout the evening, many WWE superstars gave their to-camera thoughts about what had happened and sent out messages of defiance and hope to those watching at home, as well as their prayers to the victims. 

In an unprecedented situation, WWE attempted to do what they do best and offer a bit of respite in incredibly trying times, while also showing another, more human side of their superstars. 

Fittingly, American Hero Kurt Angle beat Rhyno and led the audience in chants of 'USA'.

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.