
10 Shocking Wrestlers That Beat Hulk Hogan

Hulk Hogan actually lost to some people, brother

9. Arn Anderson

Arn anderson glock finger

Arn Anderson was a respected worker, particularly amongst those in the business, and he enjoyed his fair share of success as a member of the Four Horseman. 

Technically skilled and reliable as rainfall, Arn could almost always be counted on for a good match but he wasn’t exactly a star in the same sense that his longtime friend and stablemate Ric Flair was, for example. 

You could see The Nature Boy getting the W over Hogan, but The Enforcer?!? Well, you better believe it happened, baby! And in the main event of the February 12, 1996 episode of Nitro, no less. 

Hogan and longtime friend/rival Macho Man Randy Savage were beefing with the Horsemen at the time and, the night after the Superbrawl pay-per-view and Flair beating Savage for the WCW Title, Hogan met Anderson. 

Miss Elizabeth had turned heel during the aforementioned title change, and she was at ringside supporting Arn, along with Slic Ric and Woman. 

The match was the basic Hogan offering, with Double-A getting his head pounded in until those pesky dames on the outside used the combined forces of baby powder and a high-heeled shoe to subject the Hulkster to a rare loss. 

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Written by Cultaholic