
10 Strangest WWE Royal Rumble Entrants Ever

Check out these strange entrants ahead of the 2023 Royal Rumble

9. Ernest Miller

Ernest miller

I’ll forgive you for either forgetting or simply not knowing about Ernest ‘The Cat’ Miller’s unexceptional spell in WWE. 

Miller was an unlikely star for WCW, receiving his golden opportunity because he was, of all things, the karate instructor of Eric Bischoff’s kids. 

Man, that is some sweet, sweet nepotism right there. 

Miller’s WCW run was largely undistinguished, but he did get to appear with his idol, soul singer James Brown, on a pay-per-view, which is nice. 

After sitting out the remainder of his Time Warner guaranteed contract following the sale of the company, Miller signed with WWE and became a commentator for weekend show Velocity (which hardly anyone watched), then became a wrestler again and was given his own sidekick named Lamont. 

If you remember anything about his WWE run it’s more than likely his brief appearance at the 2004 Royal Rumble, where he was eliminated by Randy Orton and Chris Benoit while dancing to his theme music. 

It was a bit of harmless comedy, yes, but I’m sure there were ten or twenty other guys on the roster who could have actually done something worthwhile with the spot (and enjoyed the payday). 

Further hammering home what a wasted entry this was, Miller was released just weeks later. 

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for Cultaholic.com and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.