
10 Worst WWE Ladder Matches

WWE have produced some awful ladder matches

5. Triple H vs. Kevin Nash - TLC 2011

Triple h tlc 2011 ladder

A feud that started between Kevin Nash and CM Punk somehow culminated with Big Sexy taking on Triple H in, of all things, a Sledgehammer Ladder Match at TLC 2011.

The object of the match was to climb the ladder and retrieve the sledgehammer, after which you could presumably smash your opponent’s brains in with it.

Nash has gone on record expressing his bewilderment at WWE’s decision to book him and his Kliq buddy in this specific type of match, given their well-documented mobility issues. 

Despite the obvious limitations, the two warhorses did work hard and tried to tell a compelling story, mostly using the ladder as an offensive weapon. Kevin Nash was desperately showing his age, though, slowing down the action to a crawl. 

They built up to the finish well, with Triple H knocking Nash off a ladder and through a table before hitting a Pedigree and battering him with the hammer for the win, but by that point the match had been going on for 20 minutes which felt about double that.

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Written by Cultaholic