
10 Worst WWE Pay-Per-Views Ever

Let's all be thankful that, in the Network era, terrible PPVs only cost 9.99 a month...

6. Battleground 2013

Battleground 2013 big show

You can usually count on Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan to have a good match together. 

Booked as the main event of a pay-per-view with a vacant World Title on the line, you may even expect them to have a classic. Battleground 2013 wasn't their day, because they had an unusually drab bout that chugged along rather aimlessly until Big Show waddled out for the no contest finish. 

Yes, a no contest finish. In the main event of a pay-per-view. With a vacant World Title up for grabs. 

It was a suitably pants ending to what had been a dreadful show with few positives. 

One of the highlights was the World Heavyweight Championship Hardcore Match between Alberto Del Rio and a resurgent Rob Van Dam, but the show couldn't maintain that pace, save for a blistering tag match in the midcard. 

The Shield versus Cody Rhodes and Goldust, with the Rhodes boys' jobs and Dusty's NXT gig on the line, was an exceptional piece of sports entertainment drama that ended up being one of WWE's best matches of the year.

If there was anything else of that ilk at Battleground, it would save it from taking a place on this list but, alas. 

The main problem was too much purposeless filler, like the Real Americans clash with Great Khali and Santino and Bray Wyatt versus Kofi Kingston. 

The other title matches - Curtis Axel/R-Truth (IC) and AJ Lee/Brie Bell (Diva's) - were both bad and heatless, while CM Punk's win over Ryback dragged and also suffered from an uninterested crowd. 

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.