
10 Wrestler Deaths Ignored By WWE

WWE don't acknowledge every wrestler's passing

3. Test

Test survivor series 2001

At 6’ 6” and almost 300 lbs of shredded muscle, Test had the size and the look WWE prioritised when it came to their main eventers. 

But, for whatever reason, the tall Canadian didn’t quite make it to that next level, settling into a midcard role after Triple H made him look like a prize prat by stealing Stephanie McMahon away from him (in kayfabe, of course). 

Andrew Martin was fired in 2004 (while out nursing a broken neck) and then re-hired in 2006, only to be fired again while competing for the rebooted ECW brand after falling afoul of the WWE Wellness Policy.

The former Intercontinental Champion was clearly using something to enhance his shredded physique, but he was also fighting a battle against prescription painkillers and muscle relaxers.

Despite attempts to get clean, Martin succumbed to his addiction in March of 2009. Found dead of an accidental overdose of oxycodone, he was 33 years old. 

WWE made a very brief mention of his passing on their website, but ran no tribute videos or even a token ‘in memory of’ graphic on their television shows.

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Written by Cultaholic