
10 Wrestler Deaths Ignored By WWE

WWE don't acknowledge every wrestler's passing

4. Kanyon

Kanyon summerslam 2001

Just a few months after Tony Halme passed away, another ex-WWE star who had been quite publicly suffering decided to end things. 

Unlike the man formerly known as Ludvig Borga, Chris Kanyon was well liked within the wrestling industry and was viewed as an underrated innovator who perhaps should have been given more chances towards the top of the card. 

The former WCW United States Champion struggled with his mental health after being released by WWE in 2004 and claimed he had been held back due to his sexuality, going so far as to gatecrash a WWE house show in 2006 in protest of what he considered an unfair dismissal.

One of the first openly gay wrestlers in the industry, Kanyon (along with Raven and Mike Sanders) got on WWE’s bad side some more when they attempted to sue the company over the wording of their contracts, arguing that they should have been classed as employees and not independent contractors (the lawsuit was subsequently thrown out). 

All the 40-year-old got when he took an intentional drug overdose on April 2, 2010, was the arbitrary two sentences of condolences on WWE.com. 

He will, however, be remembered by both fans and wrestlers for blazing a trail by many who are now thriving in the industry regardless of their sexual preferences. 

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Written by Cultaholic