
10 WWE Dream Matches That Only Happened Once

These are 10 WWE dream matches that only took place once

4. Shawn Michaels vs. Rob Van Dam

Shawn michaels rob van dam 2002

When Shawn Michaels made his improbable WWE return in 2002, every match he had was treated as though it could potentially be his last. After all, Michaels had been off for four years with what was thought to be a career-ending back injury.

Perhaps conscious of this, WWE booked his first defence of the World Heavyweight Title against a man whose career had skyrocketed in The Heartbreak Kid’s absence. 

Rob Van Dam got the first crack at the gold in the main event of the November 25, 2002, episode of Raw. 

As Jim Ross mentioned in the opening exchanges, this very much was a ‘dream match’. The announcers also made a point to mention HBK’s knackered back which, naturally, played into the story of the match.

As for the match itself, it was a rousing TV effort that lasted a shade under nine minutes and hinted that the two men would be capable of bigger and better things if afforded more time and a grander stage, before that no-good, rotten Triple H spoiled everyone’s fun by running in for the DQ.

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Written by Cultaholic