
10 WWE Stars Who Flopped In TNA Wrestling

These former WWE stars certainly flopped in TNA Wrestling

8. Orlando Jordan

Orlando jordan tna

Another head-scratching acquisition during the Hogan/Bischoff era was Orlando Jordan. 

Jordan’s biggest claim to fame was being JBL’s running buddy during his WWE Title run and then for being what is widely regarded as one of the worst United States Champions ever. Once he dropped the belt, he fell down the card before being released and fading into obscurity for a few years before TNA came calling. 

Another January 4th, 2010 IMPACT debutant, Jordan began a feud with fellow former WWE dud D’Angelo Dinero, AKA Elijah Burke. 

TNA pushed Orlando strongly, putting him over Dinero and Samoa Joe, before he went away for a month and resurfaced with an altogether new look and gimmick, starting a bisexual angle and even getting his own interview segment, ‘The O Zone’. 

You couldn’t really help but take notice of Jordan, since he would appear in increasingly unique outfits and do things like squirt lotion all over his chest before matches. 

The gimmick was controversial and got people talking but, truth is, OJ hadn’t improved at all in the ring and when he was released in July 2011 the whole thing felt like some sort of bizarre fever dream. 

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Written by Cultaholic