2 More WWE ID Recruits Revealed
More WWE ID recruits have been signed
Nov 11, 2024
Two more recruits have been added to the WWE Independent Development programme.
It was announced on Sunday that GAL has received a WWE ID contract. GAL wrestles for the likes of Wrestling Open and Beyond Wrestling and he is a graduate from the Elite Pro Wrestling Training Center, one of the training schools given WWE ID designation.
Sunday's Reality of Wrestling event also saw Ice Williams be given a WWE ID contract. Williams has been wrestling for Future Stars of Wrestling in Las Vegas. Williams has worked as an enhancement talent in All Elite Wrestling/Ring of Honor in recent years, including losing to The Outrunners in 2024.
WWE set up the WWE ID programme to establish a pathway for independent wrestlers to reach the company. Along with WWE prospects, several wrestling schools have been given WWE ID designation, including Cody Rhodes' Nightmare Factory, Seth Rollins' Black & Brave Wrestling Academy, and Booker T's Reality of Wrestling.
The full list of WWE ID recruits is as follows:
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