
5 Strangest Locations For WWE PPV Matches

When an arena and a ring won't suffice...

4. Terry Funk's Double Cross Ranch

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Okay, this match *didn't* happen, but it was on the table at one point for WrestleMania 14. Mick Foley proposed that he and mentor/rival Funk face off in a series of gimmick matches, leading to the mother of all deathmatches at Funk's Texas ranch, to air live during WrestleMania 14.

While Vince McMahon was on board originally, the idea was eventually nixed. With Mike Tyson coming into the WWF, putting the eyes of the mainstream media on the product, the higher-ups were skittish about having such unadulterated barbarism on the same card. Alas.

I mean, we could have talked about Bray Wyatt's Firefly Fun House here, but you already know everything there is to know about that - don't you?! 

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Justin Henry

Written by Justin Henry

In addition to writing lists and commentaries for Cultaholic, Justin is also a features writer and interviewer for Fighting Spirit Magazine, and is co-author of the WWE-related book Titan Screwed: Lost Smiles, Stunners, and Screwjobs.