Bully Ray: Brock Lesnar Is On The Same Level As The Rock And 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin
High praise from the WWE Hall Of Famer

Dec 22, 2021
Bully Ray believes Brock Lesnar has proven himself to be on the same level as The Rock and 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, but doesn't get that level of credit from WWE fans because of his part-time schedule.
The live crowd at WWE SmackDown last Friday erupted as Lesnar made his way to the ring to confront Roman Reigns, and Ray believes the noise was akin to that of a top-level superstar.
The WWE Hall Of Famer believes Lesnar does not get the credit he is due.
Speaking on Busted Open Radio, he said: "Just as Roman is going to cave in Paul’s [Heyman] head via what looked to be a one-man Con-Chair-To, the music hits and the place erupted.
"Did the place erupt for a babyface? No. Did the place erupt for a heel? No. The place erupted for a superstar! A superstar that people refuse to give the right amount of respect and props to.
"You know, Roman has this whole thing, ‘Acknowledge Me,’ as as ‘The Head of The Table.’ If anybody should truly be acknowledged in the wrestling business it’s Brock Lesnar because Brock is so damn good at what he does.
"And he’s so smart but a lot of ‘smart’ fans who are actually dumb as the freakin’ day is long don’t get it. Brock is a megastar. Brock is on the same level as Austin and Rock but because Brock had come and gone a little bit, you don’t really see it."
H/T SEScoops