
CM Punk's A-List Wake-Up & Chelsea Green's Playboy Past: Ten Things You May Have Missed In Wrestling This Week

Another week, another Monday night nadir...

1. CM Punk's A-List Wake-Up

Robin williams the world according to garp

Warner Bros.

There's no other way to sign off on this week's ten things than with the story of the late actor Robin Williams attacking a sleeping CM Punk, only for Punk to get up, chase him down and begin an impromptu wrestling match while he was staying at friend and Rancid frontman Lars Frederiksen's house. 

The Straight-Edge Superstar relayed the story of the unbelievable encounter during an appearance on the Wrestling Perspective Podcast

"I never ever tell this story because Lars was very good friends with Robin Williams. There was one time I was sleeping upstairs in Lars' house and, I like to sleep, ladies and gentlemen. To this day, if I don't have to get up and do anything – I don't got to set an alarm – I'm a free spirit. Do you know what I mean? I don't got planes to catch. I did a whole lifetime of that, so I just sleep until I wake up, and I was doing that at Lars'. 

I woke up because somebody had jumped on top of me while I was sleeping and as I wake up and I turn around I’m like, 'It’s f*cking Robin Williams'.

 So, what do you do? Right? This is the first time I've ever met Robin Williams and I think, as the story goes, he was just like, 'Oh, the wrestler, he's sleeping upstairs right now?'. Lars was like 'Yeah', and Robin, being who Robin is, is like, 'F*ck yeah, let's Jimmy Superfly Snuka this motherf*cker!'. So he runs up and he splashes me in the bed. I wake up and I immediately think it’s Lars, so I just start charging after him.

Halfway through running down the stairs, I'm like, 'I'm pretty sure that’s Robin Williams', but I don’t give a f*ck, I'm going to get this motherf*cker now. I half-ass tackle Robin Williams. He's trying to run out into the street, and then I just picked him up and I'm airplane spinning Robin Williams. I just put him down and he's like,‘I got to go’, and just f*cks off and runs away. 

I'm standing there just like, 'That's the damnedest way to wake up'. I just remember walking back in the house and being like, 'Was that Robin Williams?' 'Yeah'. ‘Alright, cool'".

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.