Eric Bischoff Says He's Done With Wrestling For Good

Bischoff doesn't want to return to wrestling

Andrew Kelly smiling

Mar 22, 2025

Eric Bischoff waving to the fans at a December 2024 taping of WWE NXT

Aside from talking about it on his podcast and the odd cameo appearance here and there, Eric Bischoff has mostly been removed from the professional wrestling sphere ever since his brief spell leading WWE SmackDown’s creative team in 2019, which led to pretty sour results. With false rumblings floating around about Vince McMahon starting up a new wrestling company, Bischoff responded to some questions asking if he’d be interested in getting into the thick of it if this hypothetical promotion came to life. 

On his 83 Weeks podcast, Bischoff shut down ever getting involved in wrestling again. 

“I realize now that there is nothing I could do in professional wrestling that’s ever going to bring me fulfillment. It’s just not because I’ve done it, and I’m proud of what I’ve done. Unless I can do something that could make me feel as excited as I felt back then about professional wrestling, I can’t do it. I just don’t have that desire to focus on that business any longer for Vince or anybody else… If I took a job like that, I would be taking it for the wrong reasons and would probably end up having the same results that I did in 2019. I’m just not that interested to commit that much to that industry.”

Bischoff’s last notable role was when he was brought into MLW late last year for a couple of shows. 

H/T WrestlingNews.Co

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