
Indy Promotion Claims Rita Chatterton Was Supportive Of Velveteen Dream

Indy promoter on booking Velveteen Dream

Velveteen Dream (AKA Patrick Clark) ended up making his return to professional wrestling in February as he was booked by The Dynasty Pro Wrestling on a show in Albany, New York. Dream was booked as a surprise on the show and he went on to defeat American Muscle Alec Odin as part of an open challenge. 

Velveteen Dream was previously a part of WWE from 2014 until his release in 2021. He has several sexual misconduct allegations against him, including a claim that Patrick Clark sent inappropriate photos to underage boys. Another claim from EC3 has alleged that Clark secretly filmed other WWE talents without their consent in a bathroom. Dream released an apology video earlier this year but did not directly address the allegations against him. 

The booking of Velveteen Dream received an enormous backlash on social media but Dynasty Promoter Chris Envy has defended having Patrick Clark on the show, telling Bucklebomb Entertainment:

"Very rarely do I get starstruck. Shawn Michaels, I was starstruck when I met him backstage, and Velveteen Dream. Huge star. The charisma, the presence. Talking to Patrick Clark, he is not that person at all. He is so quiet, soft-spoken, and humble. He is one of the nicest people I've ever met. We spent a couple hours together that day. He was so nice, one of the nicest people. We're not friends, we exchange texts and posts, but I see him as a friend. He was so nice. He was one of the last people to leave. He was breaking down chairs. He said hello to everybody, he took pictures, class act all around."

Rita Chatterton, a former WWE referee who accused Vince McMahon of rape in the 1990s, was in attendance at the event. McMahon settled a multi-million dollar lawsuit with Chatterton in 2022. 

Speaking further, Envy has claimed Chatterton was supportive of Patrick Clark: 

"We got a lot of flack because we also had Rita Chatterton on the same show. She was in the news for other things as well. She was super supportive of Velveteen. Super supportive. She was like, 'He's such a nice guy.' They were shoulder to shoulder, there was nothing uncomfortable about the situation. She told me to give him her number and have him reach out to her because he needs people who are going to support him. All these people that are coming at me, 'You're not family entertainment.' It's easy to say that, but if I had Vince McMahon on my next show, all those clowns would still be buying tickets."

Envy also claimed that other promoters have been in contact with him about booking Velveteen Dream for other events.

H/T Fightful

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Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons