Joe Gacy Continues With 'Woke' Gimmick On WWE NXT 2.0 After Appearing To Be Pulled
Gacy returned on the Sept 28 WWE NXT 2.0

Sep 29, 2021
WWE appears to be pressing on with the Joe Gacy character on NXT 2.0 despite coverage from right-wing mainstream media outlets in the past week.
WWE had previously pulled all content on YouTube and their website relating to the Gacy gimmick following his debut on the September 21 NXT 2.0, after several newspapers and media publications across - including FOX News and The Daily Mail - described the character as rallying against the 'woke left'.
However, it seems WWE are continuing to feature Gacy on the new-look NXT after he appeared once again on the September 28 episode, cutting another promo.
In his segment, Gacy said that 'contrary to popular opinion, this [NXT] is still our safe space'. He would go on to say he made a 'huge impact' on his debut and 'had not been cancelled'.
Gacy did not compete on this week's NXT but did thank the audience 'for their open minds' after his speech.
Gacy's 'woke' gimmick has garnered much attention and caused discussion on social media.