
The Resurrection Of The Blue Meanie & Lita's Strenuous Situation: Ten Things You May Have Missed In Wrestling This Week

I personally would LOVE to get paid again and again for work I did decades ago...

7. On The Flip Side...

Scott hall wwe 2002

WWE Hall of Famer Scott Hall was also discussing his WWE pay and the royalty system this week, revealing that he is currently making six figures per year from the company based solely on merchandising agreements. 

The Bad Guy was a guest on the 83 Weeks podcast, speaking about his move from WWE to WCW, when he mentioned his current WWE deal and how much better he is treated now, as opposed to back in the day when he was working for them full-time as a wrestler: 

"I mean I'm making 6 figures just off [merchandise].

And every once and a while, yanno when you make an appearance, you make more. The funny part is, now that I hardly ever work for them or hardly do anything, the payoffs are way better, it's always first class air fare, they always have a driver at the airport. When I was filling seats for them and traveling all around the world, I couldn't get sh*t. I was sitting in the back, in the middle seat, back when they had smoking seats.

Four guys piling into a Ford Taurus that we paid for ourselves, staying in the Motel 4, because we’re paying for our own hotel. It's just like when you don't need the money when they give it to you. I came into WCW with a nice fat contract, thank you E, first class air, rental cars, everything. I can afford it now, I can afford my own room, I can afford my own car, but when you can afford it, it's free. When I was starving to death and sleeping three to a room, there was no help then".

Well, that will certainly keep him in toothpicks and Cuban shirts for a while. 

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.