
10 Best Rivalries In ECW History

Best rivalries in ECW history

6. Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Psicosis

Rey mysterio psicosis ecw

Speaking of ECW not always being about brutal deathmatches, here are two men who helped establish the promotion as the place to watch lucha libre style theatrics in the United States.

Following the departure of talents like Guerrero and Malenko to WCW, Paul Heyman asked Konnan to recommend him some Mexican performers, and two of the names K-Dog came up with were the bull mask-wearing Psicosis and a lad in his early 20s named Rey Misterio Jr.

Don’t get used to either of those spellings by the way, because they would change a lot over the next few years. The pair wrestled their first singles match against one another on American soil in September of 1995 and would then have a series of acclaimed bouts throughout the year, including a two out of three falls match on TV and a Mexican Death Match at November to Remember. 

Then, wouldn’t you know it, WCW swooped in and signed both wrestlers… again. No wonder Heyman went off on one at Bischoff at the first One Night Stand. 

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Written by Cultaholic