
10 Best TNA Wrestling Returns

TNA has had some great returns over the past 20+ years

9. Samoa Joe - IMPACT - April 19, 2010

Samoa joe 2010

On this episode of IMPACT, a team of wrestlers selected by Ric Flair battled a team of wrestlers selected by Hulk Hogan.

Hogan’s squad had a mystery member that would be revealed on the night itself. When the buzzer went off, the mystery partner showed himself to be none other than Samoa Joe. 

Joe made his way to the ring to a great ovation and got the winning pinfall in this match. But why had he been gone for the past couple of months?

Vince Russo wrote a storyline for Joe that involved him being kidnapped by masked ninjas. The writer’s original plan was to have Jimmy Snuka of all people be revealed as the mastermind behind the abduction, but instead Joe was brought back without any explanation after Russo realised he needed more babyfaces.

A great return, if somewhat hampered by such a bizarre build-up.

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Written by Cultaholic