
10 Best WCW Nitro Moments

It's been over 20 years since the final episode of Nitro...

3. The Bad Guy Shows Up

After Lex Luger showed up on the debut episode, it became readily apparent that absolutely anyone could and would show up on Nitro on any given week. 

Former WWE Women’s Champion Madusa rocking onto the Nitro set and binning the title belt? Sure, why not. 

Rick Rude appearing on the live Nitro the same night as he was featured on a pre-taped Raw? Simply ravishing stuff. 

Of all the various former WWE superstars to show up in WCW during the Monday Night Wars, however, none had the same impact as Scott Hall and Kevin Nash. 

The former Razor Ramon and Diesel’s contracts expired in the Spring of 1996 and they headed down south to disrupt WCW programming as ‘invading’ forces being sent from the competition. 

The Bad Guy was the first to show up, walking through the crowd in stylish double denim during a nothing match between two losers, hopping the barricade and informed everyone watching (including ‘Billionaire Ted’) that they were going to get a war. 

This worked because it was totally unexpected and, since this was 1996 and the internet hadn’t yet ruined wrestling for everyone, nobody was really clued up as to Hall’s contractual status. 

His best buddy from ‘up north’ joined him two weeks later, sewing the seeds for the formation of the New World Order. 

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for Cultaholic.com and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.