
10 Best WCW Nitro Moments

It's been over 20 years since the final episode of Nitro...

2. Goldberg Beats Hogan

Seeing Hogan lose the World Title on Nitro is so nice we just had to put it twice. 

The circumstances surrounding him dropping the strap to Goldberg on July 6th, 1998 were a lot different to when he lost to Lex the year before, however. 

The rookie had been on an unprecedented run since debuting, steamrolling through the competition and getting seriously over in the process. 

Goldberg was a unique phenomenon, a lightning-in-a-bottle situation that WCW simply had to capitalise on. 

Though they may have forewent a gazillion dollars in pay-per-view revenue by putting the match on free TV, the company booked Goldberg against Hogan on Nitro in a WCW Title match.  

And not just any Nitro, either, but one emanating from a sold-out Georgia Dome. 

40,000-plus were on hand to watch the former Atlanta Falcon wrestle the biggest match of his young career.

As a contest, it wasn’t going to win any Match of the Year awards, but nobody cares (or should care) about technique and finesse when there’s this much star power and heat involved. 

Following interference from DDP and basketball player Karl Malone to counteract Curt Hennig at ringside, Goldberg blasted a distracted Hogan with his Spear/Jackhammer combination to become WCW Champion to a monstrous ovation. 

And we still love seeing him winning world titles these days, don’t we guys? 

Erm, guys….?

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for Cultaholic.com and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.