
10 Reversed WWE Title Changes

Not every WWE title change is permanent

4. Dean Ambrose - WWE Championship (2015)

Dean ambrose elimination chamber 2015

It was all about the new blood in the WWE main event of Elimination Chamber 2015, as former Shield teammates Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose clashed over The Architect’s WWE Title. 

Rollins was in the process of establishing himself as the main man after cashing in his Money in the Bank contract during the epic climax of WrestleMania 31, while the Lunatic Fringe was striking a chord in his quest to simultaneously bag the gold and make life miserable for The Authority. 

Their match was chugging along nicely and it looked like it could go either way as they traded big moves for 20 entertaining minutes. After neutralising Kane and J&J Security at ringside, Dean attempted to hit Seth with his top rope standing elbow drop, only for the champ to pull the referee in harm’s way. 

The official was clattered, but Ambrose avoided a Phoenix Splash and nailed Dirty Deeds, with a second referee coming in and counting the three to a huge ovation. 

The euphoria was short-lived, mind, as the original referee called for a disqualification win instead. An indignant Ambrose then stole the title belt, to which you simply have to say ‘fair play’.

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Written by Cultaholic