10 Weirdest Segments In Wrestling History

Wrestling is strange anyway, but sometimes it just got that little bit stranger...

07. Vince and Shane go to Church

Vince McMahon likes to push the boundaries of taste and decency. 

It’s made him billions of dollars and a legion of fans over the years, but the success quite clearly went to his head.

Of course, Vince being Vince, his ego made him fearless and powerful, and after going after rivals, politicians, fellow billionaires, and the forces of Satan on WWE TV, there was only one opponent Vince needed to take on;


In his feud with born-again-Christian Shawn Michaels, Vince decided it was a perfect opportunity to pick a fight with an omniscient celestial being. Anyone else would have shied away from the idea, but not Vince, and in a quest to literally ‘find God’ he ended up in a church with Shane McMahon and had no idea what was going on.

From spitting out Holy Water à la Triple H’s entrance, criticising God’s ‘work ethic’, and reading aloud his own Commandments, to a clearly uncomfortable Shane McMahon talking about his dad’s tanned body and semen, this was a demented segment that served only one purpose; to massage Vince’s indestructible ego.

How the Heartbreak Kid didn’t have a temper tantrum about this is beyond me. Perhaps he really did change.

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Written by Jack Atkins

Scripts, news, and features writer. Anything with words, basically.