
10 Worst TNA Gimmick Changes

TNA's 10 worst gimmick changes in history

5. Daffney To The Governor

The governor tna

A highlight towards the end of WCW, Daffney made an appearance on the second-ever weekly TNA pay-per-view as a contestant in the lamentable Miss TNA Lingerie Battle Royal. She then worked a sole match on Xplosion a year later, before re-emerging in 2008 to put over Knockouts Champion Awesome Kong. 

Later that year, Daffney got her first proper break since WCW went under, though, unfortunately it was not as her own gothy self but as a fake version of controversial Alaskan governor (and one-time Vice President hopeful) Sarah Palin.

In a parody similar to what Tina Fey was doing much better on Saturday Night Live at the time, Daffney played The Governor, with the running joke being that she had fooled the Beautiful People into believing it was the real deal.

Thankfully, when it was all over, Daffney reverted to her own persona. 

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Written by Cultaholic