
10 WWE Dream Matches That Only Happened Once

These are 10 WWE dream matches that only took place once

1. Brock Lesnar vs. Hulk Hogan

Brock lesnar hulk hogan 2002

The WWE roster in the summer of 2002 was, evidently, an embarrassment of riches. 

Just a couple of weeks after The Rock and Eddie Guerrero closed things out on Raw, Brock Lesnar and Hulk Hogan did the same for SmackDown. 

The Next Big Thing was hunting for the Undisputed Championship and had looked impressive since bursting onto the scene the night after WrestleMania 18. 

A match (with Lesnar’s number-one-contendership at stake) against the Hulkster, who was enjoying a nostalgia-fuelled Indian summer, was an opportunity to look even more dominant heading into SummerSlam. 

And boy did Brock take that opportunity. A true intergenerational clash between the past and future of sports entertainment, it is completely surreal to see them square off. 

They kept things simple and stuck to the job at hand, which was to make the NCAA Division 1 Heavyweight Champion look like an absolute killer. Their mission was accomplished and then some.

This one-time dream match could have had a sequel, but Hogan backed out of a rematch planned for a few months later at Survivor Series when he realised he wouldn’t be winning the title and would, in fact, be putting over the new guy once again.

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Written by Cultaholic