
10 WWE Dream Matches That Only Happened Once

These are 10 WWE dream matches that only took place once

2. The Rock vs. Eddie Guerrero

The rock eddie guerrero

When Eddie Guerrero came back to WWE in the spring of 2002 – after a five-month break due to his own personal issues – he was leaner, meaner and ready to show the world just what Latino Heat was all about.

There was no greater test than a Raw main event with The Rock, which is what Guerrero found himself tasked with on July 22, 2002. 

The fans were into everything they did, with Eddie dictating the pace and The People’s Champ – who was also Undisputed Champ at this time, though this bout was non-title – timing his comebacks perfectly. 

It’s not the longest match, going around eight-and-a-half minutes as it does, but they managed to pack a few thrills in there, such as Guerrero’s exquisite Rock Bottom counter for a great near-fall. 

Eddie got to shine and showed that he could hang with the biggest star in the company, elevating his stock considerably before succumbing to the People’s Elbow. 

These two would subsequently cross paths in a couple of tag matches, but this is their sole singles outing and one of the last matches from The Rock’s full-time WWE run.

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Written by Cultaholic