
Bret Hart's Erotic Illustrations & Vince McMahon's CM Punk Request: Ten Things You May Have Missed In Wrestling In October 2021

What a month...

7. Eric Bischoff Avoids A Very Special Club

Eric bischoff vince mcmahon


When Eric Bischoff joined WWE as a strictly on-air talent in 2002, he had to have known that some receipts were coming his way. 

After all, you don't antagonise (let alone beat) Vince McMahon so publicly and expect to get away with it. 

While The Bisch did have to suffer the indignity of taking Rikishi's Stinkface, a thong-clad Mae Young bronco buster and had his face shoved into Big Dick Johnson's backside (among other humiliating things), he was somehow spared induction into the notorious Vince McMahon Kiss My Ass Club. 

Speaking on a recent edition of 83 Weeks, Eric mentioned that it was pitched to him not too long after his arrival but how, after he questioned the creative reasoning behind it, the segment was suddenly dropped: 

"The only time I spoke up about creative was not too long after I first got there. I got emailed a scene in the ring. That scene would have resulted at the end of it, this was back when Vince had the 'Kiss my Ass' club, it built up and led to Vince making me kiss his ass in the middle of the ring like so many others had done before me.

I read that and went, 'That makes no sense'. I get it at the moment. I get it for that episode and that scene. Yeah, that's a good scene. But in a larger, broader context, it makes absolutely no sense. There was no heat, no angle, no buildup, no nothing. It was just a spontaneous moment that would have gotten a cheap pop. It would have absolutely cast a really dense fog over anything else that I was going to do in the future. It would eliminate many potential storylines going forward.

I got that email on a Saturday. I was supposed to leave on Sunday to fly to Monday Night RAW on Sunday. Before I left, I gave a call and said, 'Look, I'll do it if that’s what you guys want me to do. You're paying me to perform. You're not paying me to critique your creative. I firmly believe that. If that's what you want me to do, I'll do it, but here's why I don't think it makes any sense right now. Maybe down the road, but right now, this makes no sense'. I left it at that. I didn't hear another word. I got to TV on Monday and it was gone. Not another word was said about it".

Way to dodge that arse-shaped bullet, Eric. 

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for Cultaholic.com and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.