
Grizzled Young Veterans To Leave WWE Later This Year

Grizzled Young Veterans will be free agents in October 2023

Soon to be recognised as free agents are Rip Fowler and Jagger Reid of The Dyad, the tag team formerly known as Zack Gibson and James Drake of the Grizzled Young Veterans.

Reid confirmed on Twitter during Monday Night Raw that WWE had denied his release request before he revealed his contract expires on October 14, at which point he will leave WWE.

Reid tweeted: "As of today, WWE has denied my request for my release. I want to thank you all for your support throughout my career, I'll never take that for granted. My contract with WWE expires on 14th October 2023. I'm excited to share our next chapter, once we are free agents."

Reid's partner Rip Fowler then confirmed 10 minutes later that his release request had also been denied and he will be a free agent on October 15.

Fowler stated: "Today WWE have denied our release, which was requested on April 3rd. On 15th Oct '23 we will be free agents again. I personally want to thank all of our fans for your continued support, it means a lot to both of us especially during times like these! We'll see you on the 16th!"

He then added: "Our statements tonight are simply factual and intended to keep our fans (who have been asking questions) updated. I would like to add that @JoeGacy and @avawwe_ are both boss and will continue to smash everything that they do! Lots of love for both."

Grizzled Young Veterans have been a part of WWE since 2018 and they had one reign as NXT UK Tag Team Champions. Gibson and Drake were repackaged as The Dyad in 2022, being renamed Rip Fowler and Jagger Reid after they linked up with Joe Gacy in The Schism. Ava has since joined the faction.

It emerged on on April 3 that GYV had asked for their WWE releases.

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons