
Honky Tonk Man's New Look & WCW Rings Re-Emerge: Ten Things You May Have Missed In Wrestling This Week

I had a really funny joke written for this part but Peacock removed it...

5. Henry Godwinn Talks 'Taker's Boozy Retirement

The godwinns 1996

As part of The Undertaker's retirement at the 2020 Survivor Series, WWE flew in his Bone Street Krew pals for the occasion. 

The BSK - which consisted of Yokozuna, The Godfather, Rikishi, The Godwinns and Savio Vega and a couple of others - was so called because of their predilection for playing dominoes backstage. 

The evening before the pay-per-view, the BSK boys got together for a big night with The Deadman and made up for lost time, since it was the first time they had all been together in the same place in many years.

Mark 'Henry Godwinn' Centebury recalled (as best he could) the events of that evening when he appeared on the Shining Wizard Podcast

“Bruce Prichard had called me and said ‘Undertaker’s retiring. We’d like to get you guys down here'. I said you don’t have to ask me twice. I’ll be there.

It’s been 20 years since the whole BSK group had been in the same room together. I’d been with Papa (Shango), Rikishi, Savio and Phineas but as a group we hadn’t been together. So we flew down there and everyone was meeting that night. We had our Covid tests and everybody passed. 

So we went to the bar and Taker was gonna be there about 10:30, so we hung out. And then here comes 'Taker and that’s when all the sh*t began. Four bottles of Jack and about 100 beers later, Godfather and Taker were putting me to bed at 3:30. We put in twenty years in one night, so I’m good for another twenty”.

I can't wait for Savio Vega's retirement ceremony to headline Survivor Series 2040. 

h/t Wrestling Inc.

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.