Joe Koff Takes Sole Responsibility For Ring Of Honor's Hiatus
ROH will be away during the first quarter of 2022

Dec 24, 2021
Ring Of Honor COO Joe Koff has taken sole responsibility of the decision to temporarily shut down the promotion in 2022.
ROH is going on hiatus in the first quarter of 2022 as the company reconsiders its content and business model in the aftermath of significant financial outlay during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Koff has always insisted that ROH is not going away permanently and will return after a period of significant reflection and planning. While he understands his decision may not be a popular one, he maintains it was only his to make.
Speaking on the ROH Strong Podcast, Koff said: "I run Ring of Honor as a business unit. It’s a business and you make decisions for business. Yes, some of them are not popular. Some of them may not even be warm and fuzzy, but they’re businesses because we are in business.
"If I could independently operate Ring of Honor, maybe I would think differently, but I don’t think so because I’m a businessman. I’ve always been a businessman. I’m a capitalist. I like to believe in the entrepreneurial spirit, and sometimes you just have to make certain decisions that, yeah, unfortunately, they might not seem to be popular or the right thing to do, but it’s my choice and it’s my decision. I live by that.
"I’m not asking anyone else to take responsibility for that. I’ll take responsibility for the outcomes. No one else but me. I’m responsible for that. I’m ok with that. I think that everyone loves the romance and the sexiness of the sport, but it’s still a business, and all businesses have to run operationally sound, and you make decisions to get yourself in that position."