
John Cena's Peacemaker Penis & Enzo Amore On The Moon: Ten Things You May Have Missed In Wrestling This Week

Juicier than a CM Punk to AEW rumour!

5. The Captain Gets His C*ck Out For Kayfabe

Captain lou albano

Back in the day, there were few things wrestlers took as seriously as protecting kayfabe (maybe just pipped by their drug regimen). 

WWE Hall of Famer Captain Lou Albano was as old-school as they came and, according to Larry Zybyszko in an interview with POST Wrestling, did not take too kindly to some New York restaurant patrons denigrating the good name of pro wrestling. 

He was pissin' angry, he was, as the Living Legend explained: 

"Albano was kind of crazy in a loveable way for us but, I mean, we were in a restaurant one time where me and [Tony] Garea are at one table eating and a couple tables away was Captain Lou and [Tony] Altomare eating and it's a nice restaurant in New York, and all of a sudden, you see Altomare saying something to Lou and pointing to people at the table next to them, saying stuff like, 'Hey, I think those people are knocking you Lou and saying wrestling's not real and all that crap'. Albano now is getting — you could see him. Me and Tony are looking at each other going, 'Oh God, oh no'.

Sure enough, so Albano gets up, walks over to the other table with the guy, zips down his pants and pees on him in the restaurant. I mean that's the kind of stuff that no one else would ever even think of doing that the Captain Albano would do and somehow get away with it. They would politely ask him to leave, you know, the guy's getting peed on in the restaurant and oh my God, me and Garea are just shaking our heads. He was a character".

 I'm not exactly sure how that proves wrestling is real, but I bet Albano felt very relieved to have made his point after. 

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.