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4. The Lowdown On Lodi

Lodi wcw

Whatever happened to former WCW star Lodi?

I bet you've spent an age thinking that very same thing, haven't you?

Well, ponder no more, as the man most famous for his tag team with Lenny and being a member of Raven's Flock is still active on the independent circuit and works as a personal trainer. 

The man behind Lodi, Brad Cain, appeared on the Wrestling Inc. Daily to discuss his career, including how he, like many from his era, has battled serious substance abuse issues. 

After a career littered with serious injuries (which resulted in three separate neck surgeries), Lodi turned to pills to deal with the ever-present pain and realised he had a problem:  

"It was one of the hardest things I've had to do in my life and my drug addiction, and my pill use, was absolutely obscenely out of control. You know, you've heard all the numbers of all the guys. Before I got into the wrestling business, I'd heard some of these guys taking this many pills, that many pills, doing this much of this, and this much of that. It was almost one of those things where it's like, that guy has to be embellishing that can't be true. Then you get caught up in it and realize you're taking 40 pain pills a day. Like, how did it get to that point? Breaking that addiction was hard.

I was just talking with a client this morning, just talking about the hell it was to go through that for a two week period, where when I got clean from the pain killers and stopped cold turkey. I remember I was home trying to get sober, and there was a two-week period where I was hot, I was cold, I was sick, I was throwing up, I was hot, I was cold, there was this gambit of emotions. It's not something I would wish on anybody". 

The consequence of his former lifestyle means that, should he require pain medication these days, he cannot take it: 

"Because of my past history and because of my addictive nature, it has forced me to, with my injuries since then, I refuse to take any pain pills. I don't take any medications. After my neck surgery in 2017, the morning of my surgery I got into an argument with a nurse. She was giving me my prescriptions for when I left and she was like, 'You've got to take your oxycodone, you have to take your whatever'. And I told her, 'Mam, I can't take that. I have an addiction issue and I just have to get through it'. 

People are like, you can take it for pain, but I can't separate the two. Too many people it has been one pill and then next thing you know they go back down that path. I don't want to ever go down that path again. People are like, 'I feel so sorry for you because you can't take anything for your pain'. And I'm like, again, self-inflicted. I have myself to blame, not anyone else. And I bear that". 

It's nice that Lodi came through it and is still doing what he loves today. Also, checked him out on Twitter. He is absolutely yoked.

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.