


10 Forgotten Pro Wrestling Scandals

Professional wrestling has had more than its fair share of scandals.  No surprise then that a few crimes and misdemeanours may have been forgotten about, even if they were major news at the time...


10 Forgotten Wrestling War Moments

A good old-fashioned wrestling ‘war’ tends to bring out the best and worst of companies, as they battle for supremacy and, in many cases, their professional lives.  In the heat of battle,...


10 Forgotten WWE NXT Stars

For every WWE NXT star that makes a name for themselves either in WWE's developmental system or later as a member of WWE’s main roster, there are about 10 candidates who won’t make it past a...


10 Forgotten WWE Survivor Series Moments

As one of WWE’s original ‘big four’ pay-per-views, Survivor Series has played host to many a memorable match and moment.  Considering there have been 35 editions of the event, it’s not...


10 Greatest Wrestling Works Ever

Most wrestling fans are privy to the world of professional wrestling - knowing the backstage language, reading articles on this website, and acknowledging the fact that the wrestlers you see...


10 Infamous Pro Wrestling Squash Matches

Squash matches are supposed to be a standard piece of business.  Over and done with before you really have time to even think about them, they’re not necessarily designed to live long in the...

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