
10 Most Memorable Stephanie McMahon WWE Moments

Happy 45th birthday to the Billion Dollar Princess.

7. Wedding With Triple H

Triple h stephanie mcmahon wedding 2002 raw

No, I'm not talking about the Las Vegas drive through while Stephanie was 'unconscious' 'wedding' that turned out to be a setup all along so I guess it's alright? 

While Hunter gatecrashing Stephanie and Test's big day was obviously a major moment of the Attitude Era, the February 11, 2002 Raw wedding of Steph and Trips was a much better showcase of McMahon's talents. 

At this point in time, The Game had recently (and triumphantly) returned from his torn quad, had won the Royal Rumble and was gearing up for a WrestleMania showdown with Undisputed Champion Chris Jericho, who was being managed by Stephanie. 

Triple H and Stephanie were clearly growing apart, with the Cerebral Assassin noticeably miffed by her clinginess. Just as things looked like they were heading for divorce, Steph revealed that she was pregnant and they decided to renew their wedding vows instead. 

Moments beforehand, however, Linda McMahon informed HHH that her daughter was telling porkies and was not, in fact, with child. 

And so the ceremony went ahead with The Game and everyone watching (bar Stephanie and Vince) knowing what the deal was. It all went to hell, ending with Triple H calling the whole thing off, demolishing the set and Pedigreeing Vince for good measure. 

Steph carried the segment, was wonderfully obnoxious throughout and gave an all-timer of a facial reaction at the end of it.  

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.