
10 Scariest WWE Moments

Scenes even more blood-curling than current WWE booking!

5. Like A Scalded Dog

Jim ross fire

WWE Network

More attempted murder now, as WWE's most beloved pyromaniac tried to set another person on fire.

Kane had previously tried to burn The Undertaker alive (at Royal Rumble 1998) and, fresh from being unmasked and morphing into the slasher movie villain of your nightmares, the Bid Red Machine now wanted everyone to suffer. 

Inbetween giving Eric Bischoff a Chokeslam off the stage and Tombstoning Linda on it, Kane travelled to WWE headquarters to have a sit-down interview with Good Ol' JR. 

Ross (and Steve Austin in the arena) were trying to get to the bottom of Kane's inner turmoil and, well, it didn't exactly go according to plan. 

Their pleas fell on deaf ears and The Devil's Favourite Demon responded to the inquisition by beating Ross down, dousing him in gasoline and setting him on fire. 

The piped-in screams were just a tad much, yes, but seeing a man get burned alive is never less than a harrowing experience. 

I bet the commentator would have tasted delicious with a little bit of JR's Original BBQ Sauce. 

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel. A pretty good guy.