
10 Scariest WWE Moments

Scenes even more blood-curling than current WWE booking!

4. The Indoctrination Of Dennis Knight

Mideon sacrifice ministry of darkness

On the whole, the Ministry of Darkness saga was usually too outlandish to be taken at all seriously, but on occasion they did things that were quite unsettling. 

Embalmings, hangings, satanic weddings - all great stuff, I'm sure you'll agree. 

One of the The Ministry's most chilling acts was the abduction, brainwashing and indoctrination of Dennis Knight, formerly of the Godwinns and Southern Justice tag teams. 

He was tied up and held captive in some sort of evil dungeon, before being brought out for his transformation into Mideon. 

Knight lay unconscious on a stone slab, as a rambling Undertaker monologue played over the PA system, before The Lord of Darkness cut his own wrist, filled a cup with his blood, had the hog farmer drink from it and then carved his symbol into his tummy as Knight began to 'levitate'. 

Someone (Vince Russo) had clearly been reading their Clive Barker books, but the segment - cheesy as it was - had the desired effect. 

And if the sight of Acolyte Bradshaw rocking a goatee, leather pants and a tight black t-shirt doesn't shake you to your very core then, well, you're made of sterner stuff than me. 

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel. A pretty good guy.